Navigator College - Tumby Bay and Cummins Bus Service
Navigator College have 2 private buses that run daily student bus services to/from both Tumby Bay and Cummins (via Coffin Bay Turn off and up to Yeelanna). These services meet the needs of the families already enrolled at the College from these Districts. This daily student bus service is for Navigator College students only.
Please contact the front office for further information.
Department of Education Buses to Outer Areas
Eligible students for bus travel
Primary and secondary students attending 'non-government schools' and who reside 5km or more by the shortest most practical route from the nearest appropriate government school, have a right to use existing bus services to travel to that Government school. Once these students have arrived at the Port Lincoln Primary School, they are then able to access the Navigator College transfer bus to/from Navigator College daily at a cost of $1.00 per day. Please find below link to complete the online application for your child/ren to use the DECD Buses (yellow school buses) that pick up and drop off from Port Lincoln Outer areas.
Click here to access the online application form > DECD Bus Application
Transfer School Bus Service
Navigator College also runs a bus service from the Port Lincoln Junior Primary to Navigator College on a daily basis, departing the Junior Primary at 8.30am and returning at 3.20pm from Navigator College. For further details about this service please contact the Front Office.