Recognising the Outstanding Achievements of the Class of 2024!

The Class of 2024.

Every student at Navigator College embarks on a rich and rewarding journey that enables them to flourish and confidently shape their future to take their place in the world.

The Class of 2024 was an extraordinary cohort of inspiring individuals who developed a breadth of different skills and abilities in addition to achieving academic excellence. 

Every student in the Class of 2024 achieved their SACE certificate with 25% of ATARs in the 90s and 79% of ATARs in the 70s or higher.

Across all Stage 2 subjects 81% of grades were Bs or better and 36% were in the A range.

This resulted in an average ATAR of 76.82 for the entire cohort, an absolutely outstanding achievement!

Our 2024 Dux was Rohan Kumar who achieved an ATAR of 99.30.

Rohan was also awarded a Merit for Mathematical Methods, congratulations Rohan!

Sienna White was our DUX Runner-up, achieving an ATAR of 97.75, an incredible achievement Sienna!

I’d also like to recognise Jani Howatt who achieved an ATAR of 94.45 and was awarded a Merit for Nutrition, phenomenal effort Jani!

Merit awards recognise the highest level of academic excellence and are awarded to students who achieve a result within the top 2% of their respective subjects statewide.

Our 2024 graduates are now pursuing tertiary studies in a diverse range of different fields including, Medicine, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Agriculture and Education.

Additionally, our VET students studied a range of areas including, Fitness, Early Childhood, Christian Ministry and Kitchen Operations and endeavor to pursue careers within those fields.  

On behalf of the entire Navigator College community, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2024 on their extraordinary results.

We are so proud of your outstanding achievements and the quality people you are.

May 2025 be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter and you always cherish the memories you made at Navigator College.

Many Blessings,

Stephen Jude.


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